Prayer of the Day
God of glory and love, peace comes from you alone. Send us
as peacemakers and witnesses to your kingdom, and fill our hearts with
joy in your promises of salvation; through your Son, Jesus Christ our
Isaiah 66:10-14
{10} Rejoice with
Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice with her
in joy, all you who mourn over her-- {11} that you may nurse
and be satisfied from her consoling breast; that you may drink deeply
with delight from her glorious bosom. {12} For thus says the
LORD: I will extend prosperity to her like a river, and the wealth of
the nations like an overflowing stream; and you shall nurse and be
carried on her arm, and dandled on her knees. {13} As a mother
comforts her child, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in
Jerusalem. {14} You shall see, and your heart shall rejoice;
your bodies shall flourish like the grass; and it shall be known that
the hand of the LORD is with his servants, and his indignation is
against his enemies.
10. rejoice…and be glad…all you who love her…all
you who mourn over her: Those who are concerned about the fortunes
of Jerusalem are summoned to rejoice.
11: The imagery is that of a hungry child satisfied by its
mother’s milk.
12-13. prosperity…like a river…wealth of the nations…like an
overflowing stream: The metaphor of a river for salvation was used
in Isaiah 48:18. Yahweh promises "the wealth of the nations" in 60:5
and 61:6.
you shall nurse and be carried on her arm and dandled on her knees:
The metaphor of mother and child from verse 11 is repeated.
14. the hand of the Lord is with his servants and his indignation
is against his enemies: The future of Jerusalem is guaranteed by
Yahweh’s promise to his people. Those who are his enemies will face
his indignation.
Psalm 66:1-9
{1} Make a joyful noise
to God, all the earth; {2} sing the glory of his name; give to
him glorious praise. {3} Say to God, "How awesome are your
deeds! Because of your great power, your enemies cringe before you.
{4} All the earth worships you; they sing praises to you, sing
praises to your name." Selah {5} Come and see what God has
done: he is awesome in his deeds among mortals. {6} He turned
the sea into dry land; they passed through the river on foot. There we
rejoiced in him, {7} who rules by his might forever, whose eyes
keep watch on the nations-- let the rebellious not exalt themselves.
Selah {8} Bless our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise
be heard, {9} who has kept us among the living, and has not let
our feet slip.
1. Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth:
See Psalm 98:4; 100:1 with "Lord" (Yahweh) for "God." Psalm 66 is an
"Elohistic" Psalm. It uses the generic word elohim to designate
God, rather than to designate God, rather than YHWH, the name of
Israel’s God. The whole earth is called on to praise God with a loud
3. How awesome are your deeds…. …your enemies cringe before you:
See for example, Deuteronomy 4:34, which recounts the extraction of
the people of Israel from bondage in Egypt, "by trials, by signs and
wonders, by war, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, and by
terrifying displays of power," surely enough to make the Egyptians
4, 7. Selah: The word appears 71 times in 39 psalms. It is a
performance cue: a pause, repetition, or refrain; a rising pitch or
volume; or a posture, such as bowing.
5-6: The specific "awesome deeds" that are mentioned are
connected with the Exodus, the constitutive event in Israel’s history.
For Israel it was not ancient history, but a very present and powerful
reality, celebrated in the Temple, and constantly acknowledged as the
source of the nation’s life.
9. who has kept us among the living, and has not let our feet slip:
"By guiding the Israelites safely through the Sea of Reeds, God kept
them from becoming denizens of the underworld." [1]
Galatians 6:[1-6] 7-16
[{1} My friends, if
anyone is detected in a transgression, you who have received the
Spirit should restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness. Take care
that you yourselves are not tempted. {2} Bear one another's
burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. {3}
For if those who are nothing think they are something, they
deceive themselves. {4} All must test their own work; then that
work, rather than their neighbor's work, will become a cause for
pride. {5} For all must carry their own loads. {6} Those
who are taught the word must share in all good things with their
teacher.] {7} Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you
reap whatever you sow. {8} If you sow to your own flesh, you
will reap corruption from the flesh; but if you sow to the Spirit, you
will reap eternal life from the Spirit. {9} So let us not grow
weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest-time, if we
do not give up. {10} So then, whenever we have an opportunity,
let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the
family of faith. {11} See what large letters I make when I am
writing in my own hand! {12} It is those who want to make a
good showing in the flesh that try to compel you to be
circumcised--only that they may not be persecuted for the cross of
Christ. {13} Even the circumcised do not themselves obey the
law, but they want you to be circumcised so that they may boast about
your flesh. {14} May I never boast of anything except the cross
of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me,
and I to the world. {15} For neither circumcision nor
uncircumcision is anything; but a new creation is everything! {16}
As for those who will follow this rule--peace be upon them, and
mercy, and upon the Israel of God.
1-6: Paul provides some instruction on how to
proceed in the case of wrong-doing by a member of the church. "In the
present context the wrong-doer would certainly be a Christian, and his
offense would fall into the kinds of things listed in 5:19-21."
1. you who have received the Spirit: Galatians 6:25: "If we
live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit."
restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness: "Restoration,"
not punishment or condemnation, is the goal of the community toward
its errant member. In keeping with this goal, several maxims are
offered to guide the community in its efforts.
Take care that your yourselves are not tempted: The temptation
to self-righteousness toward the wrongdoer "can cause greater damage
to the community than the offense done by a wrongdoer." [3]
2. Bear one another’s burdens: "the maxim means that ‘failure’
by Christians should be regarded as part of the ‘burden of life’ and
should be shared and borne by the Christian community." [4]
in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ: Galatians 5:14,
"the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, "You shall love
your neighbor as yourself." By bearing another’s burdens, especially
when those burdens are wrongdoing and the consequences of this
wrongdoing for the Christian community, one emulates the example of
Christ who bore our sins and the consequences of them.
4. All must test their own work: Christians must critically
examine the conduct of their lives, not in comparison with others, but
in the light of Christ’s admonition to "love your neighbor." A counter
example in Jesus’ teaching is that of the Pharisee in Luke 18:9-14.
5. All must carry their own loads: "…everybody has his load to
bear, and he had better learn to bear it…. There is no contradiction
between this statement and that in 6:2, because "sharing the burdens
of life" does not eliminate the fact that everybody must learn how to
live with himself." [5]
6. Those who are taught the word must share in all good things with
their teacher: As a Christian has been taught to share another’s
burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ, so that same Christian is
under obligation to share his/her resources with the one who blessed
him/her with such a great gift.
Although this part of the lesson is marked as optional, it is an
important part of Paul’s teaching and one that is rarely explored.
7. God is not mocked: A common proverb; God is not to be
treated with contempt.
you reap whatever you sow: Everyone will be judged in
accordance with what they have done. To mock God would be foolish in
those circumstances.
9. let us not grow weary in doing what is ripe, for we will reap:
Paul appeals to his audience to prepare to be judged by doing what is
10. let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of
the family of faith: "It is not intended to revoke the preceding
high-flying universalism, but to direct the attention of the readers
to the concrete historical reality of the Christian community."
[6] The Christian
community is tiny in comparison with the rest of humanity, and both
must be attended to.
11. See what large letters I make when I am writing in my own hand:
Paul begins writing in his own hand with verse 11 and continues to the
12-16: Paul’s postscript summarizes the argument of the letter.
There is nothing worth boasting of except the cross of Christ. Neither
circumcision nor uncircumcision is of any value. What is needed is a
new creation. Upon those who accept his teaching Paul pronounces a
blessing of peace.
the Israel of God: That part of Jewish Christianity which
accepted and approved the decisions of the Jerusalem Council regarding
Gentile Christians. "Clearly excluded and under the curse are the
‘false brothers’ back then (cf. 2:4-5) and now (cf. 1:6-9)."
Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
{1} After this the Lord
appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to
every town and place where he himself intended to go. {2} He
said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;
therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his
harvest. {3} Go on your way. See, I am sending you out like
lambs into the midst of wolves. {4} Carry no purse, no bag, no
sandals; and greet no one on the road. {5} Whatever house you
enter, first say, 'Peace to this house!' {6} And if anyone is
there who shares in peace, your peace will rest on that person; but if
not, it will return to you. {7} Remain in the same house,
eating and drinking whatever they provide, for the laborer deserves to
be paid. Do not move about from house to house. {8} Whenever
you enter a town and its people welcome you, eat what is set before
you; {9} cure the sick who are there, and say to them, 'The
kingdom of God has come near to you.' {10} But whenever you
enter a town and they do not welcome you, go out into its streets and
say, {11} 'Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet,
we wipe off in protest against you. Yet know this: the kingdom of God
has come near"…. {16} "Whoever listens to you listens to me,
and whoever rejects you rejects me, and whoever rejects me rejects the
one who sent me." {17} The seventy returned with joy, saying,
"Lord, in your name even the demons submit to us!" {18} He said
to them, "I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning.
{19} See, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and
scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing will hurt
you. {20} Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the
spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in
1. the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them
on ahead of him in pairs: Jesus had more disciples than
just the twelve, who may have remained with Jesus during this mission.
2. the Lord of the harvest: God is the Lord of the harvest;
under his patronage the harvest will take place.
3. lambs into the midst of wolves: The metaphor portrays both
the relative strength of the disciples and their enemies, as well as
the fierceness of their enemies.
4. no sandals: Sandals are forbidden in Luke 9:3 also. In Mark
6:9 Jesus explictly tells the disciples to wear sandals. (Matthew
10:10 agrees with Luke.)
greet no one on the road: See 2 Kings 4:29. The order not to
greet anyone seems to imply that the mission is so urgent that no
effort should be dirverted from the task at hand.
5-6. say, ‘Peace…. your peace will rest…it will return: It is
as if "peace" has a physical quality. Here the operation of "peace"
seems automatic; in Matthew the disciples are admonished to offer
their peace only if the recipient house is "worthy" (Matthew 10:13).
10. whenever you enter a town and they do not welcome you:
This has already happened to Jesus on his journey to Jerusalem (Luke
9:52-53). Jesus did not allow his disciples to punish the Samaritans.
Here he authorizes them to make a demonstration against those who do
not welcome them.
16. Whoever listens to you listens to me, and whoever rejects you
rejects me…and the one who sent me: In Matthew 25:31-46 the
principle that how we treat those in need is how we treat Jesus is
developed. Here the principle is similar, but it has to do with
listening to the testimony of the seventy.
17. I watched Satan fall from heaven: Satan is a member of the
heavenly Court (Job 1:6 ff), whose task is to denounce those who have
sinned against Yahweh (Zechariah 3:1). Because the all spirits are
submissive to Jesus' disciples Satan's office is not longer needed,
and he is expelled from the heavenly Court.
19. I have given you authority to tread on snakes and
scorpions...and nothing will hurt you: Some of the same ideas are
presented in Mark's long ending (Mark 16:9ff).
The message of the passage of
Isaiah is that those who have returned from exile will now live in the
certainty of Yahweh’s promise of love and protection, of prosperity
and joy, of salvation and delight. Those who know the despair of
separation from God can return to live in the promise of God’s love
and forgiveness because of Christ.
In the words of the Psalm we rejoice in the awesome
deeds of God who keeps us among the living and has not let our foot
Showing love to our neighbor includes correcting
him/her when (s)he sins, and accepting him/her when (s)he repents. We
are not to be concerned with what serves or pleases us, but rather
what is good for all.
In the Gospel Jesus instructs his followers in
missionary technique. He has given his followers authority over all
spirits, but we are not to rejoice in our power over the spirits, but
that our names are written in heaven.
Hymns [8]
With One Voice (e.g. 762v), Hymnal Supplement
1991 (e.g. 725s) and LBW (e.g. 32).
E=Entrance; D=Hymn of the Day; I=First Lesson, P=Psalm;
II=Second Lesson; G=Gospel
563 --E--For the Fruit
381 --D--Hark, the Voice
402 --II--Look From Your
395 --II--I Trust, O
777v --II--In the Morning
382 --G--Awake, O Spirit
421, 825s/737v, 234, 815s
Prayers of the People [9]
Presider or deacon
Called to proclaim the kingdom of God, let us offer prayers for
all those in every need.
Deacon or other leader
For the holy people of God in every place.
For mercy, peace, and justice in the world, and for our nation on its
For all those on vacation.
For the sick and the suffering, the poor and the oppressed, prisoners
and their families.
For the dying and the dead.
For ourselves, our families and companions, and all those we love.
Lifting our voices with all creation, let us offer ourselves and one
another to the living God through Christ.
To you, O Lord.
Lord of the harvest, hear the prayers we offer today and guard us
as we labor in your name, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Scripture quotations contained herein are from the New
Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright
© 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U. S. A. Used by
permission. All rights reserved.
[1] Mitchell
Dahood, Psalms II 51-100: Introduction, Translation, and Notes.
Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., p. 1968, p. 121.
[2] Hans Dieter
Betz, Galatians: A Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Churches in
Galatia. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1979, p.296.
[3] Ibid.,
p. 298.
[4] Ibid.,
p. 299.
[5] Ibid.,
p. 304.
[6] Ibid.,
p. 311.
[7] Ibid.,
p. 323.